Grb BiH


Sektor za rad, zapošljavanje, socijalnu zaštitu i penzije


About unit

The field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina is under the jurisdiction of the entities (Republika Srpska), shared jurisdiction of entities and cantons (Federation of BiH), and the Brčko District of BiH.

In the Federation of BiH, there is the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, as well as ten cantonal ministries that regulate this area, the Federal Employment Institute and ten cantonal employment institutes, the Federal Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance, and ten cantonal pension and disability insurance funds. In Republika Srpska, there is the Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Labor and Veterans-Disability Protection of Republika Srpska, the Public Institution Employment Institute of Republika Srpska, and the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of Republika Srpska. In the Brčko District of BiH, there is the Department of Health and Other Services and the Department of Economic Development, Sports and Culture within the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, as well as the Employment Institute of the Brčko District. At the state level, there is the Agency for Labor and Employment of BiH.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs coordinates activities in the field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and these activities are carried out through the work of the Sector for Labor, Employment, Social Protection, and Pensions.

The Sector for Labor, Employment, Social Protection, and Pensions within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina plays a role in coordinating these areas. The activities are aimed at harmonizing the plans of entity bodies, defining strategies at the international level, and ensuring effective data exchange and cooperation with domestic and international institutions.

The Sector for Labor, Employment, Social Protection, and Pensions consists of two departments:

  • Department for Labor and Employment
  • Department for Social Protection and Pensions

The Sector for Labor, Employment, Social Protection, and Pensions, in cooperation with the competent entity authorities, performs the following tasks:

  • Coordination and data exchange: determining the basic principles of coordinating activities related to harmonizing the plans of entity bodies and defining strategies at the international level
  • Bilateral agreements: Drafting proposals for bilateral agreements on social security and temporary employment
  • Conventions: Activities regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina's accession to conventions and acceptance of recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO), preparing and submitting reports on the application of ratified conventions and acceptance of ILO recommendations, submitting reports on conventions and recommendations not accepted, participating in the preparation of convention and recommendation texts
  • International obligations: Activities related to preparing reports on the implementation of international agreements on social security and temporary employment to fulfill international obligations and other tasks in accordance with Article 15 of the Law on Ministries and Other Administrative Bodies of BiH

Competencies in the field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina are divided between the state, entity, cantonal, and local levels.

State Level:

  • The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina coordinates activities in the field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions at the state level. This ministry cooperates with entity ministries and other relevant institutions to ensure the harmonization of policies and standards in the field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions.

Entity Level:

  • In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), competencies are divided between the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the cantonal ministries.
  • In Republika Srpska (RS), the Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of RS, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of RS, and the Ministry of Labor and Veterans-Disability Protection of RS have a central role in creating and implementing policies, regulations, and programs in the field of labor, employment, social protection, and pensions.

Brčko District:

  • The Brčko District has the Department of Economic Development, Sports and Culture and the Department of Health, which are responsible for policies and services within the district.

Cantonal Level:

  • Cantonal ministries implement policies, strategies, and regulations at the local level.

Local Level:

  • Municipalities and cities have certain competencies in the field of labor and employment, social protection, and pensions.

Employment Institutes, Centers for Social Work, Institutes for Pension and Disability Insurance:

  • Employment institutes, centers for social work, and institutes for pension and disability insurance operate within the frameworks defined by entity and cantonal ministries.
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