Grb BiH







Meeting of Minister Bošnjak and Minister Beroš in Zagreb: Croatia Ready to Support Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Path to Eurotransplant


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Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dubravka Bošnjak, met with Minister of Health of the Republic of Croatia, Vilijem Beroš, in Zagreb.

The ministers discussed the activities Bosnia and Herzegovina has undertaken for membership in the international organ allocation and exchange organization Eurotransplant.

Croatia became a full member of Eurotransplant in 2007 and is one of the leading countries worldwide in organ donation.

Minister Beroš emphasized that Croatia is open to providing any kind of assistance and support to Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the field of transplantation and joining Eurotransplant.

Minister Bošnjak briefed Minister Beroš on the steps Bosnia and Herzegovina has taken in the first six months of this year, as well as upcoming activities regarding Eurotransplant membership.

"We are aware that at this moment we do not meet the criteria, let's not deceive ourselves, the road to full membership is long, however, it depends solely on us," Minister Bošnjak pointed out.

At this moment, Bosnia and Herzegovina is awaiting a Roadmap from Eurotransplant outlining further necessary steps.

According to the conclusions of the Health Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes the Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, entity ministers of health, and the Head of the Health Department and other services of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a letter of interest in January this year stating that Bosnia and Herzegovina wishes to become a member of Eurotransplant.

Eurotransplant is one of the most recognized organizations for cross-border organ exchange for transplantation, playing a crucial role in linking donors and recipients. Besides Croatia, it encompasses eight European countries: Austria, Germany, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Hungary, and Belgium.

International cooperation enables timely organ matching, better utilization, and availability of donated organs to recipients on waiting lists.

The ministers also discussed the importance of prevention in healthcare, agreeing that prevention should be the focus as the most important factor in diagnosing the health status of citizens, early detection of diseases, and timely initiation of treatment, which will undoubtedly contribute significantly to improving societal health in the future.

At the end of the meeting, Minister Bošnjak thanked Minister Beroš and the Government of the Republic of Croatia for their continuous support to the healthcare system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.