Grb BiH







The Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Adil Osmanovic met with Ambassador of Malaysia in BiH Datuk Anur Kasman


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The Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Adil Osmanovic and the Malaysian Ambassador to BiH Datuk Anur Kasman exchanged the views on possibilities of cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malaysia within the competences of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

                Ambassador Kasman said that the discussion with the Minister of Civil Affairs was the beginning of his visits to the newly elected ministers.  Most attention, the Minister Osmanovic and the Ambassador of Malaysia, paid to the possibilities of cooperation in the field of education.  The Ambassador recalled that about 300 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina have graduated in Malaysia so far and returned to BiH where they successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills.  He expressed his hope that the cooperation in terms of student exchange would be intensified.

The Minister Osmanovic expressed his wish for good cooperation, and said that the Ministry of Civil Affairs would support the activities in order for a new group of top BiH students to continue their education in Malaysia next year.

The Malaysian Ambassador to BiH reminded of the Malaysian program of technical support within which the courses for officials are organized.  He said that 120 officers from across BiH have undergone training under the program so far.

The Minister Osmanovic and Ambassador Kasman expressed hope that the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Education between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malaysia would be signed next year. 

The Ambassador of Malaysia Datuk Anur Kasman wished the Minister Osmanovic success in discharging the duties of the Minister of Civil Affairs and expressed hope for the improvement of the relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malaysia.