Grb BiH







After more than six years, a session of the Conference of Ministers of Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held


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 At the invitation of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, a session of the Conference of Ministers of Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo, the first session  since December 2017, which represents a significant step towards better coordination in the field of education.

The conference is chaired by Dubravka Bošnjak, the Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and includes ministers from the relevant entity and cantonal ministries responsible for education, as well as the Head of the Department for Education and other services in the Government of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This is a permanent and highest advisory body aimed at ensuring effective structures for the coordination of educational systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the implementation of goals necessary for educational reform. Through its work, the Conference analyses the situation and needs, and proposes strategic priorities in education to the competent authorities. In addition, the Conference of Ministers of Education plays a significant role in monitoring educational standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina and aligning them with international standards.

During the session, the Rules of Procedure of the Conference were amended, allowing the participation of two newly formed ministries of education in the Republika Srpska and the Sarajevo Canton. It was also agreed to appoint representatives of the Conference's institutions, who will be tasked with determining the agenda and harmonizing conclusions, which will then be discussed by the Conference with the aim of improving the efficiency of this body.

Members of the Conference emphasized that there are several topics that should be discussed at the meetings of the Conference of Ministers, focusing on improving the quality of education and creating a system that will ensure comprehensive access to education for all in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was agreed that the next session of the Conference of Ministers will be organized as soon as possible.