Grb BiH


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Healthcare in Bosnia and Herzegovina is under the jurisdiction of the entities (Republika Srpska), the shared jurisdiction of entities and cantons (Federation of BiH), and the jurisdiction of the Brčko District of BiH.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, three Health Care Laws and three Health Insurance Laws are in force. In the Federation of BiH, there is the Federal Ministry of Health and 10 cantonal ministries of health, as well as the Health Insurance and Reinsurance Institute of the Federation of BiH and 10 cantonal health insurance institutes. The Republika Srpska has the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Health Insurance Fund, while the Brčko District of BiH has the Department of Health and Other Services within the Government of the Brčko District of BiH and the Health Insurance Fund of the Brčko District of BiH. At the entity level, health accreditation agencies have been established, namely the Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care in the Federation of BiH and the Agency for Certification, Accreditation, and Health Care Quality Improvement of the Republika Srpska.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs coordinates activities in the field of health at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and activities are carried out through the work of the Health Sector.

The Health Sector within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina plays a role in coordinating health policies at the state level. Activities are focused on harmonizing plans of entity bodies, defining strategies at the international level, and ensuring efficient data exchange and cooperation with domestic and international institutions.

The Health Sector consists of two departments:

Department for Statistical Analytical Work and Reporting

Department for European Integration and International Cooperation

The Department for Statistical Analytical Work and Reporting, in cooperation with the relevant health authorities, performs the following tasks:

  • Coordination and data exchange: Maintaining fundamental principles of coordination of activities and data exchange with domestic and international institutions in the field of health.
  • Updating and reporting: Updating, verifying, and processing data for domestic and international reporting.
  • Health data: Exchange of data on addiction and other environmental impacts on human health with relevant institutions.
  • Legislative acts: Drafting and monitoring the implementation of laws and by-laws in health.
  • Improvement initiatives: Proposing improvements to existing regulations and adopting new ones.
  • Health financing: Analysis and initiatives to improve the health financing system.
  • International agreements: Preparing and monitoring the implementation of international health insurance agreements.
  • Nomenclature and protocols: Drafting and maintaining data exchange protocols.
  • Information system: Preparing expert analyses to improve the health information system.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Developing instruments for data collection and processing, and health activity monitoring systems.
  • Support to agencies: Providing expert support to agencies and expert bodies.
  • Research: Conducting research and proposing measures to improve the quality of work in the health sector.

The Department for European Integration and International Cooperation performs the following tasks:

  • International cooperation: Cooperation and communication with international organizations, including the EU and the UN.
  • European instruments: Monitoring and initiating the implementation of European instruments and reform documents.
  • International agreements: Initiating, monitoring, and implementing international agreements and proposing related activities.
  • International treaties: Implementing procedures for concluding and executing international treaties and monitoring their implementation.
  • Conventions and declarations: Participating in the preparation, monitoring, and reporting on the application of international conventions and declarations.
  • Harmonization of regulations: Analyzing the compliance of BiH legislation with EU regulations and participating in the preparation of laws in the harmonization process.
  • Participation in forums: Coordinating the participation of BiH representatives in European and global forums and conferences.
  • Financial assistance: Monitoring EU financial assistance programs and other donors, and initiating applications for them.
  • Project planning: Planning and preparing projects financed by European and international funds.
  • Project database: Updating the database of health projects in BiH.
  • Support to bodies: Providing expert support to advisory bodies in the field of health.
  • Regional Center for Mental Health: Coordinating the work of the Regional Cooperation and Development Center in Mental Health in Southeast Europe, communicating with national coordinators, and developing partnerships with relevant organizations.

Health responsibilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina are divided between the state, entity, cantonal, and local levels.

  • State level:
    • The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina coordinates health activities at the state level. This ministry collaborates with entity health ministries and other relevant institutions to ensure the harmonization of health policies and standards.
  • Entity level:
    • In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), health responsibilities are divided between the Federal Ministry of Health and the cantonal health ministries.
    • In Republika Srpska (RS), the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska plays a central role in creating and implementing health policies, regulations, and programs.
  • Brčko District:
    • The Brčko District has a health department responsible for health policy and services within the district.
  • Cantonal level:
    • Cantonal ministries implement policies, strategies, and regulations at the local level.
  • Local level:
    • Municipalities and cities have certain responsibilities in the field of public health, particularly regarding the provision of primary health care and the implementation of preventive health programs.
  • Health institutions:
    • Health institutions, including hospitals, health centers, and specialized institutions, operate within frameworks defined by entity and cantonal health ministries. They are responsible for providing health services to citizens.

Healthcare in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the principles of solidarity, accessibility, and a comprehensive approach, regardless of age, gender, religious, and ethnic affiliation. Health services are provided at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of health care.

The health protection of the population is realized through public health, and the legally established rights of citizens are mostly financed from mandatory health insurance.

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