Grb BiH


Sektor za nauku i kulturu



About unit

Competencies in the fields of science and culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina are divided between the entity (Republika Srpska), the ten cantons in the Federation of BiH under the coordination of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, and the Brčko District of BiH.

In the Federation of BiH, there is the Federal Ministry of Culture, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, and ten cantonal ministries of culture and science (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the West Herzegovina Canton, Ministry of Science, Education, Culture, and Sports of Canton 10, Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, Culture, and Sports of the Central Bosnia Canton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Science, Higher Education, and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth of the Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Education and Science of the Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Una-Sana Canton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Posavina Canton, Ministry of Education, Youth, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton). Republika Srpska has the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society, while the Brčko District of BiH operates the Department for Economic Development, Sports, and Culture.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs is responsible for performing tasks and executing duties within the competencies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, related to determining the basic principles for coordinating activities, harmonizing the plans of entity authorities, and defining strategies on the international level in the fields of science and culture.

The Sector for Science and Culture consists of two departments:

Department for Science Department for Culture

The Sector for Science and Culture performs the following tasks in cooperation with entity authorities:

  1. Coordination and Data Exchange: Determining the basic principles for coordinating activities.
  2. Harmonization of Plans and Strategies: Harmonizing the plans of entity authorities and defining strategies on the international level in the fields of science and culture.
  3. International Obligations: Participating in the work of international organizations in the field of science and ensuring the fulfillment of international obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina in this area, participating in the preparation of international agreements in the field of science and culture.
  4. Monitoring Domestic Agreements: Basing its primary work on European reform documents and principles of international associations in the fields of science and culture; monitoring the implementation of domestic agreements and strategic documents in the field of science and proposing activities in this regard.
  5. Conventions and Declarations: Actively following European integration processes and initiating their concretization; participating in the preparation and monitoring the implementation of adopted European conventions and declarations in its field.
  6. Participation in International Bodies: Preparing reports and participating representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina in European and world conferences in the fields of science and culture; leading and coordinating activities and cooperation with relevant organizations, bodies, and institutions of the European Union and the United Nations, as well as with world associations in the fields of science and culture.
  7. Financing Science and Culture: Monitoring financial aid programs of the European Union and world associations and initiating applications for them; collecting and analyzing information and data about science and culture in the country.
  8. Promotion of Science and Culture: Supporting advisory and other bodies formed for science and culture at the state level; working on strengthening the promotion of science and culture as an essential part of the overall socio-economic progress of the country and its status in Europe.

In the Sector for Science and Culture, administrative and technical tasks are performed for the State Commission for Cooperation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with UNESCO and the Science Council of BiH.

The Sector for Science and Culture also performs the following activities:

  • Coordination of activities in developing the Science Development Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2025-2030 and the accompanying action plan;
  • Coordination of activities in developing strategic documents for the field of culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Coordination of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s participation in EU programs in the fields of science and culture – COST, HORIZON, EUREKA, and CREATIVE EUROPE, which includes the process of concluding agreements on participation in programs, paying entry fees, promoting programs, appointing national contact points for successful participation of BiH in HORIZON EUROPE, and selecting the BH DESK for Creative Europe;
  • Awarding the Science Award in Bosnia and Herzegovina for achievements on the international level;
  • Implementation of current grants from the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the fields of science and culture and monitoring and controlling the realization of grants from the aspect of fulfilling contractual obligations and from the aspect of impact;
  • Supporting the implementation of international scientific projects arising from concluded international bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of science;
  • Supporting the Science Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, supporting the State Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Cooperation with UNESCO and other bodies of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the fields of science and culture;
  • Coordinating the selection of representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Competencies in the fields of science and culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina are divided between the state, entity, cantonal, and local levels.

State Level:

  • The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina coordinates activities in the fields of science and culture at the state level. This ministry collaborates with entity ministries of culture and science and other relevant institutions to ensure harmonization of cultural policies and standards.

Entity Level:

  • In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), the ministries of ten cantons are responsible for science and culture, coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science.
  • In Republika Srpska (RS), the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska plays a central role in creating and implementing cultural policies, regulations, and programs, along with the Ministry for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society of Republika Srpska.

Brčko District:

  • The Brčko District has the Department for Economic Development, Sports, and Culture responsible for cultural policy and services in the district's territory.

Cantonal Level:

  • Cantonal ministries implement policies, strategies, and regulations at the local level.

Local Level:

  • Municipalities and cities have certain competencies in the field of culture.

Cultural Institutions:

  • Cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and specialized institutions, operate within frameworks defined by entity and cantonal ministries of culture.
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