Grb BiH


About unit

The competencies in the field of sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina are divided between the entity (Republika Srpska), ten cantons in the Federation of BiH with the coordination of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, and the Brčko District of BiH.

Here is an overview of the main competencies:

State Level:

Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH:

  • Coordinates activities in the field of sports at the state level.
  • Cooperates with entity and cantonal ministries of sports and the authorities of the Brčko District.
  • Participates in the preparation of international agreements and contracts in the field of sports in cooperation with the competent entity authorities.
  • Organizes and leads the development of the Sports Development Strategy in BiH.
  • Prepares proposals for long-term and annual sports development programs.
  • Prepares the proposal for the Rulebook on the Categorization of Athletes and Sports Facilities.
  • Prepares the Rulebook on the maintenance of the register of legal and natural persons in the field of sports at the BiH level and maintains the register of sports associations.
  • Determines the content and form of information systems about sports in BiH.
  • Cooperates with sports associations and other organizations and institutions.
  • Performs administrative, professional, and other tasks in the field of sports in accordance with the Law on Sports in BiH.
  • Issues certificates for exemption from paying import duties.
  • Prepares proposals for decisions on criteria for the allocation of grant funds.
  • Issues consents for international sports competitions.
  • Awards the State Award for Sports of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Entity Level:

In Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports implements policies and strategies in the field of sports and adopts entity regulations and sports development programs. In the Federation of BiH, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports implements the aforementioned activities with the competent cantonal institutions.

Cantonal Level:

In the Federation of BiH, cantonal ministries of sports implement entity and state policies and programs and have competencies related to sports development at the cantonal level.

Brčko District:

The Brčko District has its own body responsible for sports that implements policies and programs in accordance with state and entity regulations.

Local Level:

Municipalities and cities in BiH have certain competencies in the field of sports, including managing sports facilities and organizing local sports events.

Sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina are based on principles and standards established in European and international documents such as the European Sports Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Convention against Doping in Sport, and the rules of international sports associations.

In the implementation of the Ministry's activities, the Council for Sports plays a significant role as an advisory body to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

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