Grb BiH







Minister Bošnjak Met with the Italian Ambassador to BiH: Opening of the Italian Institute of Culture in BiH Soon


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A meeting was held in Sarajevo between the Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dubravka Bošnjak, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marco Di Ruzza. Accompanying the Ambassador was Riccardo Righelli, Head of the Office for Culture and Economic Affairs at the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.

It was noted that Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Italy have strong bilateral relations in all areas. Minister Bošnjak expressed her gratitude for the support Italy has provided to Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path toward European integration.

The good cooperation in the field of culture was particularly emphasized, and Minister Bošnjak thanked Ambassador Di Ruzza for the projects funded by the Republic of Italy.

The discussion also covered the ongoing activities related to finalizing the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Council of Ministers of BiH on the establishment of the Italian Institute of Culture in BiH. Minister Bošnjak emphasized the importance of this Agreement and added that efforts would be made to expedite the procedures for its realization.

Ambassador Di Ruzza congratulated Minister Bošnjak on her efforts to have the Vjetrenica Cave included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, noting that he had personally visited Ravno and was impressed by the beauty of this natural phenomenon.

One of the topics discussed was the progress on the construction of the Ars Aevi Museum of Contemporary Art in Sarajevo, which is expected to begin soon.

The conversation also touched on the support that the Republic of Italy provides for projects related to the prevention and treatment of cervical and breast cancer. Minister Bošnjak signed a Letter of Support for the project document titled "Program for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Bošnjak stressed that systematic prevention plays a crucial role in strengthening the country's efforts to save lives by reducing the incidence of breast cancer.

Ambassador Di Ruzza will soon leave Bosnia and Herzegovina, having assumed the role of Italian Ambassador to the country in June 2021.