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Minister Bošnjak Meets with Representatives of the "Ivanka and Safet Zec" Foundation


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The Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dubravka Bošnjak, met with representatives of the "Ivanka and Safet Zec" Foundation, Ivan Jugo and Lejla Selmanović.

The topics of discussion were the current and future projects being implemented by the Foundation.

The "Ivanka and Safet Zec" Foundation was established in Sarajevo in 2019 and has carried out numerous projects related to the career of the academic painter Safet Zec.

It also oversees the atelier and collection of Safet Zec, founded in 1987, which was envisioned from the very beginning as an open working and gallery space, as well as a venue for visual, literary, and musical gatherings.

Today, it offers visitors the opportunity to experience the full richness of Safet Zec's artistic opus through a permanent exhibition of paintings, drawings, and prints from various periods of his work.

In addition to exhibition and promotional activities, the Zec Atelier-Collection also carries out projects focused on the preservation of artistic works and artifacts.

One of the current projects the Foundation is working on is the Monograph of Safet Zec, which is expected to document his entire body of work across 450 pages. Recently, a documentary film about this artist was premiered at the Sarajevo Film Festival.

Safet Zec, a Bosnian-Herzegovinian academic painter and graphic artist, is one of the most significant artistic creators of today.

He has held over 70 solo exhibitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and worldwide. For his work, he has received 20 professional awards and recognitions. His works are featured in galleries and private collections across Europe and the world.