Grb BiH







The Ambassador of Japan Presents Minister Bošnjak with Keys to Ambulances Donated to Healthcare Institutions in BiH


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A meeting was held in Sarajevo between the Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dubravka Bošnjak, and the Ambassador of Japan to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Masami Kinefuchi.

On this occasion, Ambassador Kinefuchi symbolically handed over the keys to the ambulances that the Government of Japan donated to healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Based on the Agreement through the exchange of notes between the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Government of Japan regarding the Japanese grant aid worth 100,000,000 Japanese yen for equipping medical institutions, the Ministry of Civil Affairs received these donations on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the final beneficiaries were four healthcare institutions.

The first part of the donation of medical equipment (a portable ultrasound scanner ARIETTA 65) was delivered in November 2023, to the end user being JZU Hospital Gradiška.

The second part of the donation – three Toyota ambulances with a total value of €153,810 – was realized in July 2024. The vehicles were received by: Hospital "Sveti Vračevi" Bijeljina, Cantonal Hospital “Dr. Irfan Ljubijankić” Bihać, and the Department of Health and Other Services of Brčko District.

Minister Bošnjak expressed gratitude for the immense assistance Japan has provided to Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also thanked Japan for its support during the session of the World Heritage Committee in India for the inclusion of the Vjetrenica Cave on the World Heritage List.

It was noted that bilateral relations between BiH and Japan are good. Today's meeting was also an opportunity to discuss continued cooperation in healthcare, demining, culture, education, social welfare, sports, and other topics. Masami Kinefuchi was appointed as the Ambassador of Japan to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022.