Grb BiH



What is required to obtain consent for organizing an international competition in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

A request must be submitted to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, signed and sealed by an authorized person. The request must be accompanied by the consent of the competent entity authority (the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports of the Republic of Srpska).

Is the Ministry of Civil Affairs responsible for issuing visas to athletes coming to competitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina who require a visa to enter and stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not responsible for issuing visas. However, it forwards requests received from sports entities to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a request to initiate the visa issuance procedure within the competence of that ministry.

What documentation is required for submitting a Request for Entry into the Register of Sports Organizations at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

The following documentation must be provided:

a) A request for entry into the Register of Sports Organizations at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the form is available on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it must be filled out electronically with all relevant information required, sealed, and signed by an authorized person); b) The decision on registration in the register of the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina; c) The statute; d) The minutes from the founding assembly; e) Decisions of the entity sports federations on voluntary association into a sports federation at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with Article 22 of the Sports Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina; f) If the sports federation is registered based on the consent of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, provide a copy of the Ministry's consent; g) The documentation provided with the request must be in original and certified copies.

What documentation is required with the Request for Exemption from Payment of Import Duties?

The following documentation must be provided:

a) A request for the issuance of a certificate confirming that there is a legal basis for the exemption of goods from payment of import duties (the form is available on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it must be filled out electronically with all relevant information required, sealed, and signed by an authorized person); b) A copy of the Decision on the registration of the entity (club or sports federation); c) A statement on letterhead with signature and seal confirming that the goods being imported are not produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina and will not be used for commercial purposes; d) An invoice for the goods being imported issued by the seller; e) A tabular specification of the goods, with names and quantities of the goods being imported (in one of the official languages used in Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The request for the issuance of certificates for exemption from payment of import duties can be found at

Which forms need to be completed when submitting the Report on the Expenditure of Grant Funds? Can the report be submitted by email?

Forms D (Form for the report on the expenditure of funds) and E (Form for the narrative report) need to be completed in accordance with the Decision on Criteria for the Allocation of Grant Funds "Co-financing of Sports Events." It is not necessary to certify the invoices; copies of the invoices are sufficient. The report on the expenditure of funds must be sent exclusively by mail to the address of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trg BiH 3, 71000 Sarajevo.